
Please be considerate if your child shows any signs of an oncoming illness. Provider has the obligation to protect children in Provider’s care from illness whenever possible.
Children with the following conditions must be kept home and will be sent home if these conditions become apparent:
Fever over 99°F
Skin rash or eruptions of unknown origin
Constant cough
Heavy nasal discharge
If a runny nose is related to allergies, please provide a doctor’s note stating that fact
Conjunctivitis – such as pink eye or thick discolored drainage from the eyes
Sore throat
Upset stomach
Parasites – nits, lice, crabs, etc.
Child will also be sent home when the Provider believes, in the Provider’s judgment, that Child’s condition poses a threat to the health or safety of Child or other children or staff in the program.
A child who becomes ill at the child care will be separated from the group and Parent will be called. Parent must pick up Child within 45 minutes after being notified of Child’s illness. After 45 minutes Parent will be charged a late pick-up fee in accordance with Section 3&4 and the actual coast of any additional expenditure related to isolated care.
If we cannot contact the child’s parents, we will refer to the emergency info card and contact one of the emergency contacts listed. We will then notify parents to inform them as to which emergency person picked up their child.
If Child is sent home due to illness, this will be considered an absence in accordance with Section 4 of the Contract.
Before returning your child to daycare they MUST BE free of all symptoms for 24 hours from the last onset of symptom.
Provider will release Child only to:
Parents with legal and/or physical custody or to Child’s legal guardian;
Anyone Parent or guardian has authorized by prior arrangement with Provider in writing; or
Police or welfare workers with proper authorization.
Anyone picking up Child that Provider (or Provider’s assistant) does not recognize will be required to provide their driver’s license / ID card.
All persons dropping off/picking up Child must sign Child in/out upon arrival and departure each day.
No one may remove Child from the child care without first notifying Provider.